Odile Anot explores in greater depth through this book an axis that has been the common thread of her professional commitment for twenty-five years: Living Montessori outside the classroom walls.
In 230 large format pages, it summarizes its years of experience with parents, children and young people. She crosses this heritage with her many researches, readings and encounters within the Montessori movement.
In the first part, Odile Anot presents the conditions of the child’s development throughout the 24 years dedicated to his formation to become a man; then she makes public the Parent-Researcher® tool in five attitudes illuminated by Maria Montessori’s scientific and visionary contribution to an education for peace and freedom; finally she invites us to a sensitive and documented encounter with Maria Montessori’s life.
The content is illustrated by numerous examples classified under the headings: “Enfant explorateur”, “Parents Chercheurs”, “Au cœur du mouvement Montessori”, as well as quotations from Maria Montessori’s entire work in French.
A few explanatory tables, a colourful notebook, a thousand hand-selected notes and references enrich the reading of this book, which draws the whole family into the meaning of life.
To order anywhere, from your booksellers, the publisher Dunod, or your favorite websites.